A Place of Love?

The Place of Love?

There is a place, where dwelleth Love.
Not far below, nor far above.
Not in a temple, not in a church,
not anywhere outside that we may search.
So I may ask, where is this place?
Is it another dimension? Is it outer space?
Is it a God from Kolob? A God from Mars?
A God from the Bible or Beyond the Stars?
Where is this place of Love you speak?
Below the sea? On a moutain’s peak?
Some long lost world that in doom will return?
An age of ice that will freeze or fire that will burn?
Please won’t you tell me? Is this place really so?
Where is this place of Love, I must know!
I’ve looked underneath, and I’ve looked above,
I’ve looked everywhere for this place called Love.
I’d looked everywhere, or so I suspected.
But there was one place, I had not inspected.
I laughed as I realized where this place must be.
I had searched all creation, how silly of me!
So at the end, I am where I begin,
And I sit in the calm, and I look within.
Within the still and between the song,
I see it shining, where it’s been all along.

-TAS May 27, 2011-

Awakening Within

The World is beginning to awaken to a new way of Being. The changes and turmoil we are starting to see are a direct result of a restless consciousness ready to emerge into a new way of thinking and experiencing reality. It is time to hear the alarm bells ringing in our heads and Wake Up!

Tomorrow is Now and the future is Ours!

It is time to stop focusing on the ‘me’ and focus on the ‘We’. We are One family, One world, One species, One People! The World belongs to all of us, not just a few who think they deserve to have it all. We are the Power! The Power is us and those who currently have it know that! Wake Up and throw off the yoke they have placed upon your mind! Wake Up and stop feeding them power! Take the power back for yourself and back for the World to which it belongs! You are a sovereign state unto yourself as well as a state unto the greater nation of the whole! We are all One!

We are the World! We are each other! We are Love!

Be Hope, Be light, Be Love and Shine into the Now to illuminate the future!